Tooth Extraction Model

True Resistance, Real Life Feel

Tooth Extraction Model

This model is a block that should be paired with:

DRSK Modular Jaw Model

Modular Jaw

Key Features

Tooth Extraction Model

Tactile Resistance

Extraction Blocks closely simulate the tactile resistance felt during real tooth extractions. The feel of detaching the tooth from the socket is remarkably lifelike.

  • Realistic extraction resistance
  • Lifelike feel when detaching
  • True-to-life socket expansion

Practice different steps

Using Extraction Blocks provide an opportunity to practice different steps in the extraction process, such luxation of the tooth by a luxator, removal of the tooth with forceps and even handling complications such as tooth sectioning.

  • Practice all extraction steps
  • Simulate tooth luxation
  • Practice tooth sectioning 
Learning from mistkaes

Breakable Roots

Just as it would happen in a real case, when practicing on Extraction Block, rushed or incorrect maneuvers may result in breaking the roots.

  • Like real life, incorrect maneuvers may break roots
  • Teaches to handle complications
  • Practice extraction of broken roots

Tooth Extraction Model in Action

Features of the Extraction Block

Practicing on this model gives the trainee a tactile feel of resistance to the extracting force close to the one experienced in a real-life exodontia procedure.

DRSK Extraction Block allows use of elevators to perform luxation as the first step in exodontia; it therefore makes possible a complete simulation of this procedure.

With the DRSK Extraction Block, it is possible to practice tooth sectioning and remove the sections using forceps and elevators, just like in real-life cases.

It is possible to glue the Gingiva to the Extraction Block. This will further enhance the training experience, making it possible to simulate soft tissue deflection. 

Using DRSK Extraction Block in a preclinical setup enables the student or trainee to adequately learn the principal extraction maneuvers and build up the manual skill of properly applying pressure to the target tooth.

DRSK Extraction is a Block that should be used with the DRSK Modular Jaw.

Improve your tooth extraction model: